- Healthy Snacks recipes >Kai Murukku-How to make-Step by step photos
Kai Murukku [Handmade murukku]-How to make-Step by step photos & video

Cuisine Style: Tamil Nadu, South India | Preparation & Cooking Time: 15 minutes | To Serve: 2 | Take with: Curd rice, tea, coffee | Type: Easy diwali & pongal snacks or crisps
- Raw rice - 1 cup
- Urad dal - 2 tbsp
- Asafoetida - 1 tsp
- Cumin seeds -1 tbsp
- Hot oil - 3 tbsp
- Salt to taste
- Butter - 3 tbsp
- Oil for deep frying
- Water as needed
Preparation Method
- Wash & soak raw rice for 2 to 3 hours.
- Then drain water, put it in a cotton cloth let it dry for 30 min
- 30 min later, put it in a mixie jar, grind to fine powder
- Roast 2 tbsp urad dal, then grind to fine powder
- In a bowl add powdered rice, urad dal, seive without lumps
- Add salt, hot oil, butter, cumin, asafoetida, water mix well, make soft elastic like dough
- Take clean cotton cloth, place 1 bottle cap, take 1 lemon size ball
- Make twist & shape kai murukku
- Heat enough oil in a pan, Drop kai murukku, deep fry till crisp on medium hot oil.
- Flip over & fry another side.
- Once it ready or the oil sound disappears then take it out & drain on absorbent paper.
- Leave it for room temperature [Apr. 2 min]. Then store in an airtight container
How to make Kai Murukku Video
How to make Kai murukku-Stepwise pictures
Perfect kai murukku
Suthu murukku
Take 1 cup raw rice
wash and soak it for 2 to 3 hous
Drain water completely
Soaked rice ready
spread over cotton cloth, let it dry for 30 min
Evenly spread
Raost urad dal
Let it cool
Grind to fine powder
Urad dal powder ready
30 min later, still moisture is there
Dont dry for long time
Put it in a mixie jar,
grind to fine powder
Rice flour ready
Put it in a seiver
Seive without lumps
Perfect rice flour
Transfer to a bowl
Add urad dal flour, seive
3 tbsp hot oil
Cumin seeds
add water
Make soft dough
Elastick like texture
Perfect kai murukku dough ready
Make ki murukku
Place bottle cap, shape murukku
Twist , shape
Repeat for 3 round
Perfect shape
Stick end
Perfect raw kai murukku
Heat oil, drop it
Deep fry till crisp
Fry lo-medium flame
Oil sound disappears
Reamove it from pan
Perfect suthu murukku
Kai murukku chettinad
handmade murukku
Kai suthu murukku
Handmade twist murukku

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