- South Indian Ingredients gallery >Indian jujube fruit | Elantha pazham benefits-Oraganic
Indian jujube fruit | Elantha pazham benefits-Oraganic

Elantha pazham juice preparation time : 10 minutes | To Serve : 2 | Ingredients : Elantha pazham, lemon juice, sugar/jaggery, ice cubes, & water | Type : Desserts, drinks & beverages
- English name - Indian jujube fruit, red date, Chinese date.
- Tamil- Elantha pazham
- Scientific name- ziziphus jujuba
- Kanada & telugu- regi pandu
Nutritional value
- Good source of Vitamin C,Vitamins B6, Fibre, phosphorous, iron, Protein, potassium, & Calcium
- Calcium rich fruit
- Contains rich antioxidants values.
Uses & benefits
- Used in Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean cuisine
- Used in herbal medicine in china & india
- Reduce sleep disorders, stress, mental & brain stress
- Reduce insomnia
- Reduce digestion problems.
- Reduce Anxiety
- Good immunity booster
- Controls blood pressure levels
- Improves bone, teeth & muscels strength
- Good for blood circulation broblems
- Best for skin & Controls body weight
- Calms nervous system
- Reduce cancer problems
Elatha pazham Recipes
- ziziphus jujuba vinegur, Pickle, puree, soup or sweet
- You can make naval pazham seeds powder [Dry out seeds & powder]
- You can make delicious elantha vadai using Tamarind, red chilli powder, salt and jaggery
- For another variation:-Elantha pazham powder, chilli powder, asafotida, jaggery & salt
Elatha pazham
Oraganic elantha pazham season-November-December
Red dates
Organic jujube fruit
Delicious -regi pandu

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