- Continental Recipes >Hot chocolate with 3 ingredients-How to make-Step by step photos
Hot chocolate with 3 ingredients-How to make-Step by step photos

Cuisine Style: India | Preparation & Cooking Time: 5 min |To Serve: 2 | Type: Drinks & Beverages
- Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp
- Milk - 1 cup [250 ml]
- Sugar - 4 tbsp
- Water - 1/4 cup
- In a bowl add cocoa powder, sugar mix well
- Boil milk, pour milk into cocoa sugar mixture, slowly mix well.
- Heat this milk cocoa mixture, boil for 2 min on low flame
- Strain & serve immediately
How to make hot chocolate- step by step photos-Boil milk
Now its ready, cut off heat
In a bowl add cocoa powder, sugar
Mix well
Add milk, mix well without lumps
Now its ready, keep it aside
Add chocolate syrup
Let it boil for 2 min on low flame then drain without lumps
3 ingredients hot chocolate, serve immediately
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