- Summer Recipes >Coffee popsicle | Coffee Ice pops-How to make-Step by step photos
Coffee popsicle | Coffee Ice pops-How to make-Step by step photos & video

Cuisine Style: Indo-America | Preparation & Cooking Time: 10 min | Ice Pop Setting Time:5-10 hours | To Serve: 2 | Type: Sweet, Frozen dessert, summer special
- Instant coffee mix - 5 tsp
- Sugar - 4 tbsp
- Sweet Condenced milk - 5 tbsp
- milk - 1 cup or 250 ml
- Water - 1/4 cup
- In a bowl add instant coffee powder, sugar & warm water mix well
- Heat milk, add condensed milk, & sugar let it boil for 5 min then cut off heat.
- Add the coffee mixture, mix well, let it cool.
- Pour the mixture into ice pop moulds & place it in the freezer to set. [Apr 6 to 10 hours]
- Then unmould & serve immediately.
How to make coffee popsicle video
How to make Coffee popsicle-Step by step photos
Boil water
Pour into the glass, mix well with coffee powder
Heat pan, add milk, let it boil
Milk is boiling
Add sugar
Add sweet condensed milk
Add coffee mixture
Add coffee pwoder if required
Pour into the popsicle mould
Cover it
Freeze it till set
De-mould & serve
Coffee popsicle
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