- Sweets / Desserts >Chocolate chip ice cream-Step by step photos & video
Chocolate chip ice cream-Step by step photos & video

Preparation Time : 10 minutes | In Freezer : 8 to 12 hours | To Serve : 5 | Take with : Honey, Dry fruits, Fruits, nuts brittle| Type : Desserts
- Insant coffee powder - 1 tsp
- Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp
- Fresh cream/heavy whipping cream - 1 cup
- Sweet consdensed milk -1/2 cup
- Vanilla essence- 1/2 tsp
- Chocolate chips - 1/4 cup
- In a bowl add Insant coffee powder, Cocoa powder & 1/4 cup hot water mix well without lumps
- In a bowl add fresh cream/whipping cream, beat for 5 min
- Add cocoa coffee mixture, mxi well
- Finally add vanilla essence, chocolate chips.
- Pour this mixture into a air-tight container and freeze it for 6 to 8 hours.
- Once its ready, serve immediately
How to make Chocolate chip ice cream video
How to make Chocolate chip ice cream-Stepwise pictures

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