- Healthy indian snacks recipes >Caramelized jaggery popcorn
Caramelized jaggery popcorn

Cuisine Style: India | Preparation Time: 10 min | Cooking Time: 5 minutes | To Serve: 2 | Take with: Tea, coffee | Type: Snacks[10 Am or 4 PM]
- Corn kernels – 1/4 cup
- Jaggery -1 cup
- Water- 1/4 cup
- Oil – 2 tbsp / butter - 1 tbsp
- Heat large pan, add 2 tbsp oil / butter.
- Add corn kernels, cover lid, leave it for 1 min
- Then gently shake the pan till the kernels pops.
- Once its popped, remove the pan from heat.
- Heat pan, add jaggery and water, let it dissolve then strain to remove impurities.
- Pour the melted jaggery in the same pan, let it boil till hard ball consistency.
- Then cut off heat, add popcorn mix well.
- Place the jaggery popcorn on large tray, let it cool or you can make popcorn balls
- Popcorn balls, dark chocolate popcorn, strawberry popcorn, dark chocolate popcorn, spinach masala popcorn, peanut butter popcorn
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