- Sweets / Desserts >Pressure cooker pumpkin halwa-Step bystep photos & Video
Pressure cooker pumpkin halwa-Step bystep photos & Video

Cuisine Style: Punjab, North India, Pakistan | Cooking Time: 45 minutes | To Serve: 4 | Type: Special
- Yellow pumpkin - 1/4 fruit
- Ghee - 1/4 cup
- Sugar -1 cup
- Cardamom powder - 1 tsp
- Cashew, raisins - 1/4 cup
- Peel off the pumpkin skin, cut into cubes
- Heat 4 tbsp ghee in a cooker, add pupmkin cubes, saute for 2 min
- Add water or milk cook for 3 whistles, Then mash wel
- Add sugar, cover lid, cook again for 2 whistles
- Add cardamom, ghee, cashews, raisins , cook until thick
- Garnish with dry fruits server cold / warm / hot
- You can mix water with milk in equal proportion and prepare
- For Instant carrot halwa use condensed milk and khoya, Khoa.
How to make Pressure cooker pumpkin halwa in 10 min video
How to make Pressure cooker pumpkin halw -Stepwise Pictures
Pressure cooker pumpkin halwa for After school snack/Tea tiem snack

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